Improve your intercultural competence in
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA1-progamme we are glad to offer a range of training courses aimed at the development of staff working in vocational education or other types of schools.
While visiting cultural sights, companies or institutions and – if possible – a college/school participants will improve intercultural knowledge about culture and education. We focus on entrepreneurship and vocational education, thus vocational teachers or those dealing with entrepreneurship might be specially interested. Other interested teachers are invited to participate as well.
Languages: English and German
Organisation of Courses
Teachers on the Move book accommodation, normally half-board, in 3***-hotels, equivalent accommodation or rented flats/cottages – depending on country, availability and number of participants in order to keep costs at a certain limit. We also take care of transport during the course.
Number of participants: min. 15, max. 30
Certificate of Attendance and Europass Mobility
Cost Structure
Example for a 7-day-course UK/Ireland (All in one – double room sharing)
7 x € 80 course fee € 560,--
7 x € 144,— accommodation etc. € 1.008,--
1 x € 30 cultural programme
1.598,- = Course
Arrival/Departure: applied for and organized by participant.
Your school has to apply for:
Course fee: € 80 per day
organisational fee: € 100,—
Accommodation and meals: country related budget
Transport: For grant support to travel costs in the Erasmus+ Programme, travel distances must be calculated using the distance calculator provided by the European Commission.
Funding of budget depends on Erasmus+ KA1 (see: erasmus-plus-programme-guide, latest edition)
If your application is approved, the Erasmus+ grant will cover course fee, accommodation and meals and travel costs.
Your school will receive an organisational fee of € 100 per person.
Teachers on the Move OID E10200252 ID Course Provider ESEP: 577918
Eckart & Eckart GbR USt-IdNr DE322574762
Wiesendangerweg 3
DE 24941 Flensburg
Tel. +49 461 91497
mobil +49 15781968050